Question: I complained to Jack Van Impe that on TV he appears to embrace Catholicism....He says that when he heard hatred dripping from the lips of those who criticize Catholics, he decided just to preach the truth. What can I do? |

TBC Staff

Question:  I complained to  Jack Van Impe that on TV he appears to  embrace Catholicism [with] its  false gospel of sacraments and works, etc. He replied that while Protestant denominations teach false doctrines, the Catholic Church is getting back to its roots concerning the 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth. Well, I’m upset! The greatest lie in the history of Christendom is that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t sufficient to forgive all sins and you need penance, purgatory, Mary, indulgences, baptism, Mass in installments to make up what Jesus’ death did not cover. He says that when he heard hatred dripping from the lips of those who criticize Catholics, he decided just to preach the truth. What can I do?

Answer: It is wrong to hate anyone. We are to speak the truth in love and  grace, seasoned with salt. But Jack is not speaking the truth when he supports Roman Catholicism. He uses the faults of some who oppose its false teaching in the wrong spirit to excuse himself from bringing correction in the right way. Unfortunately, instead of correcting Roman Catholics in order to rescue them from hell, he tells them they’re okay.

He claims that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is mostly biblical. In fact, it is filled with the unbiblical teachings of Rome. Jack called the Pope a born-again Christian. He knows better, so how he can with good conscience so badly lead Catholics and others astray is a mystery. God knows his heart, but we must judge what he says.

No Bible-believing person could ever call the Catechism of the Catholic Church even 20 percent biblical! Instead of rescuing Catholics with the truth, Jack is encouraging them with flattery on their way to the Lake of Fire, robbing multitudes of salvation in Christ!